
Advisory Commission on the return of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution, especially Jewish property

The independent Advisory Commission on the return of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution, especially Jewish property, was established in 2003 by the Federation, Länder and national associations of local authorities to mediate in case of disputes over the restitution of Nazi-confiscated cultural property.

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Recommendations 30.10.2024

Recommendation of the Advisory Commission in the case of the heirs of George Grosz v. Freie Hansestadt Bremen

The Advisory Commission on the return of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution, especially Jewish property, chaired by Prof. Hans-Jürgen Papier, decided unanimously on 6 September 2024 in the case of the heirs of George Grosz versus Freie Hansestadt Bremen not to recommend restitution of
a) the painting Pompe Funèbre by George Grosz and
b) the painting Stillleben mit Okarina, Fisch und Muschel by George Grosz
to the heirs of George Grosz.

  1. The proceedings concern the paintings Pompe Funèbre and Stillleben mit Okarina, Fisch und Muschel by George Grosz. In detail:
    a) Pompe Funèbre (1928), oil on gilt bronze on canvas, measuring 100 x 70 cm. The painting was acquired in 1979 by Kunstverein Bremen with funds provided by Freie Hansestadt Bremen. It is in the holdings of Kunsthalle Bremen (1230-1979/6).
    b) Stillleben mit Okarina, Fisch und Muschel [Still life with ocarina, fish and shell] (also Stillleben mit Okarina [Still life with Ocarina]) (1931), oil on canvas, measuring 54.5 x 36 cm (divergently 53 x 36 cm). The painting was acquired in 1972 by Kunstverein Bremen with funds provided by Freie Hansestadt Bremen. It is in the holdings of Kunsthalle Bremen (1075-1972/23).
    The claimants are the heirs of George Grosz.

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Newsletter, August 2024 – N°18

INTRO Introduction by Gabriele Finaldi, Director of the National Gallery and Chair of the Spoliation Working Group of the National Museum Directors’ Council (NMDC)
NEWS Changes at the Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation (CIVS); Renewal of the CIVS advisory board; Appointment of Frédérique Dreifuss-Netter as President of the CIVS; The unheard things – another kind of provenance research. An interdisciplinary contribution to the Capital of Culture Year 2024; Reform of Germany’s Advisory Commission; Painting ‘Fighting Card Players’ returns to Meijer Marcus van Praag’s heirs; New members and parting members Dutch Restitutions Committee; Activities in the Netherlands concerning looted art; New Book: Nazi-era Provenance of Museum Collections: A research guide by Jacques Schuhmacher; Network Of European Restitution Committees Spoliation conference at the V&A
REPORT Report on the last meetings of the Austrian Art Restitution Advisory Board
CASE STUDIES Paintings attributed to Sir Peter Paul Rubens, in the possession of the Courtauld Institute of Art; Restitution of 60 objects from the Siegfried Fuchs Collection by the Museum of Military History/Military History Institute Vienna; Restitution to the heirs of Adalbert Parlagi; The Museum of Military History in Vienna restitutes 560 objects from the Saul Juer collection

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